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Above: Dr. Maginn is giving a lecture about Black sites of memory at the cemetery of the University of the South
Dr. Maginn is featured with students doing archival research
Dr, Maginn with students and colleagues, examining natural sites of memory in Middle Tennesee

Dr. Maginn has taught in higher education for over a decade and has mentored a diverse group of students with a spectrum of goals and challenges. As an educator, he believes that building upon students’ research interests and lived experiences enables them to take agency in their learning, both in and out of the classroom.  As he continues to constantly perfect his teaching methods, Dr. Maginn strives to create an inclusive environment that supports learning and fosters individual differences. He is committed to supporting all students in his classroom to face the contemporary challenges that will greet them following graduation, on the job market, or continuing education.

Dr. Maginn’s teaching is guided by three principles that have assisted him during his teaching career: (1) Make clear and digestible lessons to all students. (2) Prepare students to be better researchers and writers. (3) Invite students into the historical profession while providing them with tools that are transferable to other fields.

Inclusion in the classroom starts within the syllabus, and Dr. Maginn strives to develop lesson plans that are clear and accessible for students, distilling complex historical narratives and placing them within the broader course discussion while using inclusive and supportive language. Along with the assigned readings, he always includes additional resources to ensure clarity, including primary sources, journal articles, and videos. For projects, including those in the Digital Humanities, Dr. Maginn creates clear rubrics and templates for his students to follow, which allow his students to understand expectations and participate in class meaningfully. Each assignment engages with active, sensing, global, and deductive learners and is guided by the belief that if students are excited about the subject matter, the result will be higher performance.
